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This committee organizes and manages the religious education programs of our church such as Sunday Church School, Vacation Bible School, Adult Bible Study, Catechetical Instruction and the related activities such as Mother/Father's Day Program, Christmas Sunday School Program, Year-End Recognition and Promotion and special Outreach Funding Appeals.
Sunday School Coordinators
This committee is charged with the responsibility of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with members and non-members and encouraging all to "tell their story" of faith. Activities include Bible studies, "Back to Church" Sunday, Confirmation Day reception, family picnic, Lenten Devotional booklet, Knobels picnic, new member reception, and the Annual Nativity Display.
Evangelism Contact
This committee administers the finances of the church. Please pray for guidance and support for this committee. While we might not talk about this very much, it is this committee that 'keeps the lights on' for us in so many ways. Thanks for your support.
Finance Contact
The mutual Ministry committee's purpose is to help keep the focus of the congregation mission oriented by building on a broad vision of ministry and a healthy practice of mutuality among the staff and members of the congregation. The committee is charged with scanning the life and ministry of the congregation to support its mission through sharing observations, making suggestions to the congregation council regarding issues that are brought forth and providing support for the pastor and staff.
Mutual Ministry Members
This committee's task is that of maintaining the church's property- buildings and grounds. This includes landscaping and snow removal, maintaining the building's heating and cooling as well as keeping the building in good condition.
Property Contact
This committee reaches out with love and service to persons from our church and community. Activities include visits and cards for our shut-ins, Kitchen Pantry, Northampton Area Food Bank, Share-A-Meal, World Hunger emphasis, Sr. Fall Feast, Seniors' Birthday Picnic, visits to institutions, and the Christmas Ingathering.
Social Ministry Contact
This committee reminds our church community that we are caretakers of all God's gifts to us…our time, our talents and our possessions as well as all of creation around us. Activities and programs include annual finance appeals; volunteer organization, recruitment and appreciation; Hope Fest; and regular reminders to be good stewards of God's gifts.
Stewardship Contact
The Worship and Music Committee is charged with the oversight and maintenance of the worship life of the congregation. They make sure worship runs smoothly and all supporting duties are carried out in accordance with Lutheran beliefs and principles. This includes the Altar Guild who are responsible for setting up for communion, changing paraments, washing communion glasses, and organizing worship materials in the pews. Greeters meet worshippers as they enter the building, welcome them, and offer assistance as needed. The Usher Teams greet worshippers inside the church, distribute bulletins, collect offering and usher during communion. Acolytes, crucifers, lectors, communion assistants, Eucharistic ministers, and Audio-Visual Team also fall under the jurisdiction of the Worship and Music committee. The committee ensures the music is supportive of worship by interfacing with the Director of Music.
The Director of Music is responsible for the professional leadership of our vocal and instrumental ensembles which includes the scheduling of rehearsals and service participation for each organization. Children can sing with the Junior Choir from third through eighth grade. They rehearse Thursday evenings at 6 o'clock. Senior Choir is for anyone ninth grade and older and rehearses Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. Our Worship Band enhances our Sunday morning worship services while our Church Orchestra provides exhilaring music for our festival worship services. And our Bell Choir rings on an ad-hoc basis with events and rehearsals announced throughout the year. No auditions are required for any ensemble.
Worship and Music Chairperson