Directions | Parking | Service Information | Communion | Restrooms | Children | Elderly & Handicapped
Our physical GPS address is 4131 Lehigh Drive, Northampton PA 18067. Here is a map for your reference. Don't be confused by the map. We are physically located in Northampton. Cherryville handles our mail.
Parking and the main entrance doors are located behind the church building; the side away from PA Route 248 (Lehigh Dr). Additional parking is available on the route 248 side of the building but may not be convenient for all events beyond worship services. There are two handicapped designated parking spaces in the front (route 248) parking lot and four handicapped spaces in the rear of the building near the main entrance doors. They are identified by blue markings on the pavement and not by vertical signage. Our radio transmission on 107.3 FM is available from any parking space on our property.
Services are at 8 AM and 10:30 AM September through early June with a single Sunday worship service at 9 AM during the summer. We use the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (red) hymnal and All Creation Sings (purple) hymnal in tandem. Liturgical settings change seasonally and choirs sing September through May. Our music is based upon the lessons for each week and is a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles. During the summer months, we enjoy a hymn sing each week before the service when the assembly selects the hymns. Worship is structured yet casual both in atmosphere and in dress. We will ask if there are visitors present who would like to introduce themselves. This is purely voluntary and you will not be singled out.
Holy Communion is celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Our table is open. If you commune in your own congregation you are welcome to commune at Hope. The elements are distributed at the altar through a continuous flow starting from the front pews. If you are unable to walk forward or simply do not desire to come forward, please signal an usher and communion will be administered to you in the pew. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available as alternates to the wafer and wine.
There are two groups of restrooms - one in each wing of the building; in the hallway outside Kuntz Hall and in the hallway leading into Hanson Hall. A handicapped restroom is available in the hallway leading to Kuntz Hall. There are no facilities in the lower level.
Children are encouraged to attend worship with their family where they will experience a children's sermon customized just for them. We understand that attending worship services can be a challenge for parents with young children, especially when they become disruptive. Hope has an unstaffed nursery room available for these situations. This space is specifically designed for parents who need a break from the service to soothe their children. You are welcome to bring your child into the nursery room and stay with them until they become comfortable returning to worship. Turn left when exiting the worship space and continue half way down the hallway. The nursery will be on the right. Changing tables are available in the women's restroom adjacent to the nursery and in both the women's and men's restrooms outside Kuntz Hall. Turn right when exiting the worship space and proceed through the double doors to Kuntz Hall.
Our facility is handcapped accessible and easy to navigate. Grade level entrances are available into the main building from the route 248 parking lot side; into Hanson Hall from the parking lot on the east side of the building using the door by the sign "Hanson Hall"; and into Kuntz Hall from the west side parking lot at the front corner of the building. Three ADA compliant wheelchair ramps are available in the rear of the building: a parallel curb ramp leading directly into the worship space through the double wooden doors, a parallel curb ramp under our carport for inclement weather, and a switchback ramp leading into the double glass doors marked as "Kuntz Hall". A handicapped accessible restroom is available just outside Kuntz Hall. An elevator provides access to classrooms in the basement and requires a key to operate.